Saturday, December 17, 2011

my idea.......^o^

My idea about how to encourage people use bicycle......

concept plan....
the residential is outside the CBD and the main transport will be the bicycle and public transport.
the resident are encourage to cycling and using public transport to work, to school or do other activity.
Just like long time ago, car are very expensive and everyone use bicycle as transport to do their dairy life, that time the road design and management are very poor, then the distance, climate and topography also not  influence them to use bicycle.
now, many advanced country like Japan, US, Italy....are changed their transport from using car to bicycle....
but in the developing country still encourage people use car...
For example, this already is long time story (May, 1997)- In Osaka, Japan, cycling as a mainstream form of transportation. Everyone in Osaka, literally, rides a bicycle at some time or another .Almost everyone have a bicycle, which are present everywhere in the city. Besides that  Osaka is flat and enjoys a temperate climate, which greatly facilitates the use of bicycles.

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